Tagged: testimony

Watch: Dicky’s testimony

Dicky became a Christian a decade ago and recently came to understand the true power of the gospel, God’s Word, repentance, receiving the Holy Spirit, and baptism. He shares how he received a new heart through a second baptism after fully understanding what Jesus did for him on the cross....

Image for Mike Powers' testimony on his miraculous healing

Watch: Mike’s testimony

Mike describes how God saved him from a life on the streets and how God encouraged him one day by miraculously healing the torn labrum in his shoulder so he didn’t need surgery anymore. Praise God! Watch his testimony. Click here to go to our YouTube channel. Video transcript I want...

Image for watch Sara’s testimony on overcoming a critical inner voice

Watch: Sara’s testimony

Sara struggled with deep anxiety of not being good enough until the Holy Spirit opened her eyes to the spiritual strongholds that kept her in bondage and set her free. As she allowed the Holy Spirit to guide her in a time of confession and repentance, the accusing voices in...

Image for watch Vincent's testimony on fear and God’s love

Watch: Vincent’s testimony

Vincent has been recovering from abusive childhood experiences and inbred fears to learn how God values and loves him firsthand. Praise God! Watch his testimony. Click here to go to our YouTube channel. Video transcript Even though I could say that God is slow to anger and compassionate, deep inside I...

Image for watch Katy testimony on family dispute and judgment

Watch: Katy’s testimony

Katy describes her healing from constant emotional and physical fatigue through a time of prayer and confession before God. The Holy Spirit reminded her of an extended family dispute to which she had attributed a lot of her childhood anxieties and showed her she needed to repent of her judgments...